Exploring the Different Types of Hip Pain for seniors

Senior people often face many problems at this stage. From physical, emotional and to mental, many issues arise that complicates the life. The major problem that bothers is the physical issues. The most common issue faced by seniors is the body ache. Joint pains, muscle pains and various others. Experiencing hip pain is among the most common pain. Here are the different kinds of hip pains that senior experience:

Osteoarthritis: This is the most common pain in seniors. It occurs when the cartilage of hip joints wears out. By time, pain can worsen.

Tendinitis: This pain is caused by the inflammations surrounding the hip bone is main reason for this kind of pain.

Muscle tear/strain: Caused by injuries and not paying much attention to such pains can worsen the condition.

Osteoporosis: By the time, bones get weak in seniors and not giving enough care causes osteoporosis.

Sciatica: Irritations in sciatic can cause the problem. It can affect the back, hip and legs.

The Impact of Exercises on Hip Pain in Seniors

Exercises on Hip Pain in Seniors

Image Source: google.com

Exercising is the best way to avoid any health issues. Including the pain and muscle strains. Exercises for hip pain for seniors can leave a severe impact on them. such as-

1. Flexibility is one of the major elements of human body. Regular stretching can help seniors to increase the flexibility of their body.

2. Hip pain exercises to avoid the discomfort can be done by strengthening the muscles around the hip joint. It can provide better movements, support the body and give stability.

3. Improved posture is another benefit that seniors can get from hip pain exercise to avoid the bodily discomfort.

4. Regular exercise for hip pain for seniors can release the endorphins in the body. They are known to be the natural painkillers which will help in any kind of body pain.

5. Exercise for hip pain for seniors are important to relieve the bodily stress in seniors. It can impact the all over performance among seniors.

Exercises for Seniors: A Natural Way to Relieve Hip Pain

Exercises for Seniors Relieve Hip Pain

Image Source: google.com

Let us explore the best 12 exercises for hip pain-

1. Flexor stretches- Kneel on one knee and bring the bring the other foot in front. It should form a 90-degree angle to relieve your pain.

2. Piriformis stretches - This stretch involves laying down on your back with both your knees bent. Cross one ankle over another leg and pull the lower leg. Follow the routine on both legs for a few minutes.

3. Knee lifts- Knee lift is the simplest exercise for elderly. Lie down on your back, keep your both legs flat on the floor. Keep one leg straight and bring other leg towards your chest. Do the same with your other leg and follow the steps for a few minutes.

4. Hip rotations- This exercise requires you to sit on the floor joining your feet with legs out in the front. Place your hands on top of each knee and gently try to push them down. This will stretch your muscles. Try to hold the stretch for up to 10 minutes for better results.

5. Double hip rotations- This exercise will involve you to lie down on floor. Join your legs together with bended knees. Move them from left to right together and feel a twist in your back.

6. Hip flexions- Another easy and simple exercise which requires you to stand up straight and simple lift your leg by bending your knee one by one.

7. Water exercise- If possible, try the water exercises for your hip pain. Consider doing your stretches and exercise in pool which will allow you to put extra strength on your muscles.

8. Hip extensions- Stand straight with the support of chair or table or a wall in front of you. Hold onto the support and life your leg backwards without bending your knee.

9. Heel to buttock exercise- Stand straight. If require, take support and lift your leg backward this time by bending your knee. Bring your ankle all the way up to your butt and stretch.

10. Mini squats for elderly- This exercise is similar to the basic squat. For elderly, try doing the exercise but do not bend too much. Bend your knees enough to activate your back, legs and hip.

11. Bridging- This exercise brings great comfort to your lower body. Lay down on floor with your knees bend. Lift your hip and back to make a bridge using your body.

12. Chair stand- Another easy exercise which requires a chair. Fold your arms and stand straight. Sit on a chair and standup with a second.

How Do You Relieve Hip Pain in the Elderly?

To relive the pain in elderly requires a different approach from the young ones. They need extra care and time to understand their requirements of the body. Their pain may vary from an injury to the old age factors. Get a proper checkup done before starting with any exercise, therapy or treatment for pain relief.

Consult a doctor and find the root problem. If no major issues are found in the body, then try doing the simple physical exercises. Otherwise take medical help and start with pain medications which should not be too heavy for the senior.

What Is the Home Remedy for Hip Pain?

The bets home remedy for any pain is to give yourself a proper rest. The pain can be caused by exertion. it is important to give your body some rest from time to time. Try doing the heat and cold therapy for hip pain. If that does not ease the pain, do some light exercises and make sure to follow the weight management of your body.

Use the essential oils for pain relief. Another famous remedy is using ginger or turmeric. They are known to be the anti-inflammatory elements. Add them in your diet and see the visible effect on reduced hip pain.

Sonali Tomar


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