10 Minute Home Fat Burning Workout (NO EQUIPMENT KILLER!!)
For Men2021-09-27

Burn fat and build muscle in 6 weeks with no equipment at all…

So you don’t think it’s possible to get a killer fat burning workout done in 10 minutes? Prepare to change your mind. This high intensity home fat burning workout can be performed with absolutely no equipment and in very little space. In fact, with just one exercise serving as the base of each of the exercises in this fat burn workout, you’ll see that it is pretty straight forward as well.

The goal of this fat burning home workout is to perform burpees of escalating difficulty every minute on the minute for up to 10 minutes. Each minute you need to complete 12 reps. Whatever time is remaining at the end of those 12 reps can be rest that is earned beyond the 1 minute that you receive as part of the workout. So, if you complete all twelve squat thrusts in 30 seconds, you get to rest one minute and thirty seconds before starting the squat thrust burpees.

This home fat burning workout is perfect for those who have always wondered how to burn fat fast but were stuck in the mindset of thinking that traditional steady state cardio was the answer. In fact, because of the involvement of multiple muscle groups that this workout provides over plain treadmill walking or running, you can expect to burn more calories per minute than you would otherwise. Give it your best for these 10 minutes and you’ll see that your energy expenditure and caloric burn can be significant.

Here is the complete breakdown of the home fat burning workout in this video:

Can you last all 10 minutes?

Minute 1: Squat Thrusts x 12

Minute 2: Squat Thrust Jax Burpees x 12

Minute 3: Squat Thrust Squat Burpees x 12

Minute 4: Classic Chest to Ground Burpees x 12

Minute 5: Single Leg Mountain Climber Burpee x 6 each leg

Minute 6: Side Kickthrough Burpees x 12

Minute 7: Chop and Hop Single Leg Burpees x 6 each leg

Minute 8: Angry Mule Burpees x 12

Minute 9: Triple Skyfall x 12

Minute 10: 1 Arm Get Up Burpees x 6 each arm

Most home fat burning workouts fall short in their benefit to your ability to build muscle at the same time. They turn into glorified aerobic programs. Even some of the most popular workout programs on the market ignore the golden rule of muscle adaptive response. Do nothing but cardio workouts and think you are going to build muscle? That is the definition of insanity.

Instead, if you integrate multiple muscle groups into the exercises that you’re doing…and you choose exercises that are a bit more anaerobic in nature, you will allow your body to burn fat and calories without training it to become detrained. The ATHLEAN XERO bodyweight program available at http://athleanx.com allows you to build muscle and burn fat at the same time using workouts that push you to your limits.

For more home fat loss workouts and exercises to burn fat at home, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at http://youtube.com/user/jdcav24


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