15-Minute At Home Arm Workout Without Weights  No Equipment Required!
For Men2021-10-02

An awesome 15-minute arm workout that you can do at home with zero equipment required. No dumbbells, no weights, and no resistance bands needed for these arm-toning exercises. Tone and sculpt your arms in no time with this workout.

——– See the full post here on our website: https://tone-and-tighten.com/shoulder-workout-without-weights.html ——-

At-Home Arm Workout Without Weights

Overhead Claps – a surprising burner for the deltoids and shoulders.
Pike Push Up – the at-home version of the military press.
High Plank – work the shoulders and triceps with this challenging isometric.
Swimmers – great for the posterior deltoid and triceps.
Bear Crawl – weight-bearing and dynamic; a great at-home arm/core exercise.
Body Saw – works a ton of core and a ton of shoulders all in one exercise.

Keep reading below for full description of this workout and these exercises.

Do you want leaner, stronger arms with incredible arm definition and toned muscle?

Today we’re sculpting the deltoids (shoulders) triceps, and biceps at home with zero equipment to get those lean toned arms you’ve always wanted.

This workout is one of my all-time favorite at-home shoulder workouts; the best part is you don’t even need any equipment.

This one is guaranteed to increase strength, improve definition, and leave your arms completely ready for tank tops and swimsuits regardless of the season.

Let’s move on to the workout!

For this workout, my main focus is toning and sculpting your shoulders, specifically your deltoids. We’re going to be doing 6 upper-body exercises in circuit format: we’ll perform ABC three times through and then move on to DEF 3 times through.

We’re going to hit this one in timed intervals so no need to count reps. If you’re looking for an interval timer you can find an app on your phone or follow this link to see my favorite one from Amazon (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2P1Qvyq


Warm up
Jumping Jacks
50 seconds, 10 second rest (repeated twice)

How to do a jumping jack
– Start with your fee together and your hands at our sides
– “Jump” your feet apart while bringing your hands up and over your head.
– “Jump” your feet back together while bringing your arms back down to your sides.

The Workout


Overhead Claps (1 minute)
– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your arms straight out to your sides.
– Raise your arms over your head to “clap” up at the top.
– Return to the starting position.

Shoulder (Pike) Push Ups (30 seconds)
– Get down into a push-up position on your hands and toes
– Hinge at your hips to raise your butt into the air towards the ceiling.
– Perform your push up by bending your elbows and lowering your head towards the floor.
– Return to the starting position.

 High Plank (30 seconds)
– Get down on your hands and toes with your elbows extended.
– Keep your core tight as you hold this position statically.
– Your hips, shoulders, knees, and toes should all be in a straight line.

Rest (30 seconds)



Swimmers (1 minute)
– Lay on your stomach with your arms stretched out overhead.
– Contract your core and lift your right arm and left leg up off the floor.
– Slowly return to the starting position and repeat with your left arm/right leg.

Bear Crawl (30 seconds)
– Get down on all fours – on your hands and toes with your knees bent.
– Crawl forward as much room as you have – don’t let your knees touch the floor
– Crawl backwards as far as you can
– Continue

Body Saw (30 seconds)
– Get down into a low plank position on your elbows and toes.
– Rock as far forward onto your elbows and toes as you can while maintaining good spine alignment.
– Now rock as far back as you can.

Rest (30 seconds)



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