Tolerating period cramps is not as easy as it looks like. Periods are dreadful and we women experience it every month. No matter what we say, we never get habitual to it. Some major problems a woman experience during menstruation is:
- Lower Back Pain
- Pain in Legs
- Headache
- Bloating
Best Way to Exercise and Menstrual Cramps 2023
Most importantly, mood swings, that no man can ever survive on his own.
Usually the menstrual cycle is around 28 days, and every woman has her own cycle.
The pain is felt in the lower abdomen because the uterus contracts to inhibit blood flow to the lining of the uterus.
The most unbearable pain is in the initial days of blood flowing. Lack of physical exertion is one of the major causes for period cramps. Pain and stress can be reduce by regular exercise, eating fresh fruits, acupressure and different other therapies.
A survey was conducted a few months ago and by that we can conclude, yoga really helps in reducing period cramps and stress. Period cramps mess with the head due to similar secretion of progesterone in the body, by doing yoga your chances of getting any poly cystic ovarian syndromes.
Nowadays a lot of women face disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Leading a life with chronic mood swings is a life like over- grown lemons. You can’t use them even for pickles.
If you are wondering what kind of yoga poses can be done to get rid of the pain, Top 7 effective yoga poses are mentioned below?
Dhanurasana :
Source : www.google.com
Dhanurasana or the Bow pose energises the reproductive organs and builds the core.
Helps in discomfort during the time of the month and also in constipation.
Steps to perform the asana -
- Initiate by lying on the floor.
- Keep your upper extremities on your side and lower extremities apart.
- Take a proper and relaxing breath, pull your legs up and raise your body.
Be in this position, take 2-3 deep breaths.
Now relax.
Benefits of Dhanurasana
- Increased blood circulation
- Helps in managing diabetes
- Chest related problems
- Digestion related problems
Stretches abdominal muscles and makes the digestion process smooth.
Janu sirsasana:
Source : www.google.com
Janu sirsasana or one legged forward bend , palpates your abdomen and gives you relief from menstruation pain and cramps. Modification in the above asana can be a great benefit in reducing cramps during periods.
Steps to perform janu sirsasana
- Initiate by sitting down.
- Keep your extremities straight in front of you and upper extremities on your side.
Now bend your right knee and put your right foot close to the inner thigh of your left leg. You have to gaze at the toes and clasp your wrist past your foot. Continue this on the other side.
Benefits of Janu Sirsasana
- Calms the mind, erases mild depression.
- Enhances the function of kidney and liver.
- Eliminate pain in the waist and legs.
Relaxes the symptoms of menopause and calm you down during menarche.
Source: www.google.com
Creates a channel between neck, chest, and abdomen.
Enhances posture,
Build up muscles of back and stretch your thighs, ankles and groyne.
It will ease your discomfort, back pain and anxiety.
Steps to perform ustrasana :
- Stand on your knees. Keep the thighs fully straight.
- Lean in the backward direction.
- Push the hips in the forward direction.
- Then bend the head and the spine as backward and as far as possible without straining.
Rest your body.
Benefits of ustrasana:
The health benefits of the asana are numerous , it opens the chest magnificently and helps correct rounded shoulders. Also strengthens the spine, firms the neck , waist , abdomen and legs. Also have a tremendous impact on thyroid glands and reproductive organs.
Source: www.google.com
Mats asana or also known as fish pose.
Amazing stretching exercises.
Helps in getting rid of the menstrual pain.
Steps to perform Matsyasana:
- Engage core.
- Grab feet with hands.
- Raise your chest.
- Push legs down.
- Draw elbows down.
- Close your eyes or gaze straight on the floor.
- Stretch neck
- Rest crown on the floor
Make sure your legs are active to relieve pressure on lower back.
Benefits of Matsyasana :
Enhances digestive activities and solves all the digestive ailments.
Increase flexibility and build up the calf muscles.
Increases your lung capacity.
Supta Padangusthasana:
Source: www.google.com
Supta padangusthasana or recline head to big toe pose.
Steps to perform Supta padangusthasana:
- Bottom arm either resting straight alongside the body or perpendicular to the torso.
- Chest broad, top leg raised straight to more than 90 degrees.
- Navel active, drawing up and in towards the spine.
- Bottom foot active but not flexed, toes pointing up.
- Entire length of the spine should be against the earth.
Adjacent arm raised straight to grasp the big toe of the raised leg.
Benefits of Supta padangusthasana:
- Stretches the hip ligament.
- Give flexibility to leg and hip muscle.
- Stimulate the abdominals organ.
- Relieve sciatica pain.
Soothes menstrual and back pain.
Controls all the thyroid related disorders.
Shavasana :
Easiest asana. Also known as corpse poses.
Source: www.google.com
Steps to perform savasana :
Lie down on the floor facing upwards.
Eyes close and relax your body from down waist.
Benefits of savasana :
Helps in managing back pain and whole body circulation. Reduces risks for cardiac diseases.
Helps in reducing blood pressure, nausea , bloating and headache.
Ease your way of 7 days of blood shedding.
Helps in the prophylaxis of sciatica.
Also known as child’s pose.
Source: www.google.com
Steps to perform balasana :
Initiate by sitting down on your knees.
Try to touch your head on the floor and your upper extremities in front of your head straight.
Belly rests between thighs.
Bring your hips to the heels like vajrasana.
Benefits of balasana (child’s pose):
It gives relaxation to your mind.
It reduces the intermittent headaches during periods.
It calms the body and you’re subconscious.
It improves both systemic and pulmonary circulation.
It releases tension in the chest, back and shoulders.
By: Chetali Pandey.