Day 6 | 7 Days of Sweat Challenge 2020
Quick Fitness2021-09-29

We're nearly there, Day 6 of 7! Sorry I got the timings a bit wrong. Non stop work for 20 minutes. 7 days, 7 workouts, 20 minutes a day. No equipment needed - just a small space and some motivation to feel amazing. Every day starting on Sunday 1st March 2020, I’m going to post a brand new, full body, 20-minute workout. No equipment, no excuses. You can just tune in, do the workout with me, at home in your living room or wherever suits you. You’re going to feel more energised, more alert, more productive and more focussed. You’re going to burn some body fat and feel really confident moving forward. It’s going to give you a little bit of a kick to keep you going and hopefully give you the momentum to keep fit all year. Let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to share with your friends and family to get them involved. Today's workout 1 minute work | no rest Squat knees to elbows Run on the spot Push Ups Reverse lunges Elbow plank Squats Plank walk in & out Jumping jacks Bicycle crunches Running punches Narrow squats Narrow press ups Shuffle floor touches Mountain climbers Toe touches Climb the rope Squat jumps Glute bridges Plank knee touches


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